The India School of Business (ISB) has launched a new and improved version of the India Data Portal (IDP) called IDP 2.0. The portal is part of an open-source ecosystem that aims to promote evidence-based policy-making in the country.
IDP 2.0 is designed to help journalists, researchers, students, policymakers, and other stakeholders access, interact with, and visualize information, data, and knowledge. It features a “Visualisations First Approach” that allows users to access over 3,400 indicators from a repository of 120 datasets across 25 domains.
The portal also includes a feature that allows users to upload their own datasets for personal exploration and visualization. It has undergone technological enhancements to improve its architecture and maintainability.
The launch of IDP 2.0 was accompanied by a panel discussion on the “Evolution of Open Data: Impact, Challenges, and Future Directions.” The discussion was moderated by Professor Ashwini Chhatre, Executive Director of the Bharti Institute of Public Policy.
Professor Chhatre highlighted the evolving landscape of open data and the importance of technology in making data more accessible. He emphasized the role of individuals with domain expertise in simplifying and broadening the accessibility of government data for everyone’s benefit.