Dr. Krishna Ella, Executive Chairman of Bharat Biotech, spoke at the ISB graduation ceremony in Hyderabad. He urged students to embrace entrepreneurship, champion innovation, and embody true leadership in their future endeavors. Dr. Ella emphasized the importance of following passions, prioritizing societal impact, and inspiring positive transformation.
The graduation ceremony celebrated the accomplishments of students from various programs at ISB, with a total of 611 students graduating. Professor Madan Pillutla, Dean of ISB, congratulated the graduating class and highlighted the school’s focus on creating global leaders who contribute to nation-building. He encouraged students to stay connected with the institution and continue making valuable contributions.
Students from different programs, including Post Graduate Programme In Management For Working Professionals (PGPpro), Post Graduate Programme in Management for Senior Executives (PGPMAX), Post Graduate Programme in Management for Family Business (PGP MFAB), and Advanced Management Programme in Business Analytics (AMPBA), graduated from ISB. Awards were given to students who excelled academically, in extra-curricular activities, and in demonstrating exemplary leadership skills. The ceremony ended with a formal hat toss by the graduating students.