A proposed padayatra of State BJP leaders, including former TS chief Bandi Sanjay Kumar, has reportedly been put on hold. Party sources say that several leaders from the district and State had suggested a mass contact program similar to the ‘Praja Sangrama Yatra, hoping to generate momentum like during the previous yatra phases.
Initially, it was believed that three leaders would embark on the padayatra. The newly appointed State BJP chief and Union Minister G Kishan Reddy, Selection Committee chairman and Huzruabad MLA Eatala Rajender, and Bandi were supposed to start their journeys from different locations in the State.
However, it seems that the leaders themselves are not supporting the idea. Kishan Reddy still holds three portfolios and needs to act as a bridge to drive the party’s agenda for Telangana. Therefore, taking a padayatra at this crucial time before the elections would be practically impossible, according to a State executive member.
There has been no response from Eatala regarding the proposal. Bandi has been focused on pending development works in his constituency and has had to tour the State for various activities as the party chief. This has left him with limited time for his constituency over the past couple of years. As a result, Bandi has reportedly decided to prioritize completing the works and development activities during the remaining period of his tenure.