BRS chief K Chandrashekar Rao is facing a dilemma in choosing candidates for the Rajya Sabha elections. The party only has 39 MLAs, so they can only field and win one candidate. If KCR gives another chance to his nephew J Santosh Kumar, he may face criticism for favoring family. If he waits for the Congress to announce their candidate and they nominate an upper caste candidate, he may choose Santosh. However, if the Congress fields a BC or someone from the weaker sections, he may opt for Vaddiraju Ravichandra. Ravichandra had served for only two years in the past and expressed his desire to come to the Rajya Sabha again. He has also actively worked for the party in the recent Assembly elections. The process of filing nomination papers started on February 8 and the last date for filing nominations is February 15.
‘Is it about prioritizing family or social justice?’
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