The Telangana Police department is investigating a recent fire accident involving the Falaknuma Express. This investigation follows an anonymous letter received by the South-Central Railway (SCR) ten days prior. The letter expressed concerns about a potential train collision similar to one in Balasore, but SCR officials clarify that the fire accident is unrelated to that collision.
On June 30, SCR received the letter, which warned about a tragic incident on the Hyderabad-Delhi-Hyderabad route. This incident would resemble the devastating collision that occurred on June 2 in the South Eastern Zone, resulting in many fatalities and injuries. In response, the Railways issued directives to maintain high alertness and vigilance.
The letter has been given to the Telangana Police Department for investigation. They aim to identify the actual cause of the incident. Preliminary indications suggest that a short circuit might have caused the accidents. SCR’s senior officer emphasizes that the fire accident of the Falaknuma Express has no similarity to the train collision in Balasore.