Telangana Southern Power Distribution Company Limited (TSSPDCL) has introduced a new QR code system for bill payment. The QR code is a type of barcode that contains information like contact details, website links, and payment details. Users can scan the QR code using apps like Paytm, PhonePe, or Google Pay to quickly pay their bills without having to manually enter a website URL.
When a consumer scans the QR code, the bill details and amount to be paid will appear on their screen. They can then simply press the ‘pay’ button to complete the transaction. The consumer will receive an SMS confirmation once the payment is processed. This entire process is fast, efficient, and more secure than traditional payment methods.
Due to a new rule by the RBI, third-party apps no longer offer bill payment options. As of Friday at 10 am, around 1.20 lakh consumers had already used the QR code system to pay their bills. Currently, bills can be paid through the official TSSPDCL website and mobile app using services like BillDesk, Paytm, TA Wallet, and others.
A meeting with bankers has been scheduled to explore additional convenient payment options for customers. The QR code system is designed to make bill payments easier and more secure for TSSPDCL consumers.