In Nalgonda, candidates from the BJP and BRS facing opposition within their own factions after being named as candidates for the MP seat. Shanampudi Saidireddy, BJP’s candidate, and Kancharla Krishna Reddy, the BRS candidate, are preparing to battle against rival party candidates.
Saidireddy’s nomination as BJP’s candidate for Nalgonda MP sparked dissent from BJP national leader Bandi Sanjay and aspirant Perika Suresh. They cited past controversies during Saidireddy’s time with BRS. This led to non-cooperation from other BJP aspirants for the Nalgonda seat. Some leaders from Suryapet even went to Hyderabad to demand a change in candidacy, but their efforts were unsuccessful.
To address the discontent, Saidireddy met with party leaders and aspirants, sought support from state leadership, and held extensive cadre meetings. Similarly, Kancharla Krishna Reddy, with help from former minister Guntakandla Jagadish Reddy, secured the Nalgonda MP seat from BRS amid internal turmoil. This resulted in resignations within BRS, including from former MLC Tera Chinapa Reddy.
Despite gaining support from party cadre and leaders, Krishna Reddy lost the support of state legislative council chairman Gutha Sukender Reddy. Congress candidate Kunduru Raghu Veer Reddy is taking advantage of these divisions by intensifying his campaign across Nalgonda MP’s constituencies.