On Wednesday, the Cyberabad police apprehended a five-member inter-State gang of dacoits and seized mobile phones, screwdrivers, and knives. The police also recovered stolen property from the gang. The incident took place around 11:30 pm on Tuesday night when the police received information about the presence of a dacoit gang near Adarsh Bank lane, who were suspected to be preparing to commit heinous crimes. The Jeedimetla police, along with patrol mobile staff, rushed to the location and surrounded a dilapidated house where the accused were hiding. The police arrested them and identified them as Amar Singh Jaggar Singh (21), Lucky Singh Gabbar Singh Tak (20), Nihal Singh Manav Singh (17), Jeeth Singh Rajpal Singh (26), and Nishanth (22).
The accused were arrested under Sections 379, 399 of Indian Penal Code and Sections 25 (1-B) (a) and 25 (1-B) (b) of Arms Act 1959. Upon searching the house, the police seized three pistols, six bullets rounds, 16 scissor blade divided pieces, a knife, five big screwdrivers, a torch light, three monkey caps, a cutter, a shovel, one car which was stolen from Gudimalkapur, and Rs 70,000 from the possession of the dacoits.
During interrogation, the gang admitted that they belonged to Pune (Maharashtra) and had intended to commit dacoity in the market loaded with jewellery shops. They had committed several property/bodily offences in Pune and were imprisoned in a Maharashtra Control of Organized Crime Act (MCOCA) case. The police said that Jeeth Singh was involved in around 47 property/bodily offences, while Amar Singh was involved in around 18 property/bodily cases.
In light of this incident, the police advised citizens to keep their valuables, jewellery, and cash in bank lockers. They also appealed to owners to park their vehicles within house premises, avoid parking on the road, and avoid sharing information with anyone about valuables in houses.