A committee has been appointed by the Chief Secretary of Andhra Pradesh to find suitable accommodation for Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy and senior officials in Visakhapatnam. The committee will visit the city on Monday to inspect the ongoing works of the Chief Minister’s Office and other administrative buildings. After the inspection, they will submit a report on the facilities being prepared for the Chief Minister’s camp office. The committee consists of Special Chief Secretary (MA&UD) Y Sri Lakshmi, Special Chief Secretary (Finance) SS Rawat, and Secretary (Services HRM), General Administration Department.
The Chief Minister has previously announced his intention to shift his office to Visakhapatnam, and the cabinet has given approval for the shift in a phased manner. The first phase will involve the shifting of the Chief Minister’s Office, which will begin operating from Visakhapatnam on October 24, 2023. However, there may be delays in the capital shifting process due to potential legal challenges.
Some farmers in Amaravati, the current capital region, are planning to challenge the government order for setting up a camp office and accommodation for senior officials in Visakhapatnam. They may approach the High Court regarding this matter. Additionally, the Supreme Court will hear a Special Leave Petition filed by the Andhra Pradesh Government regarding the three capitals case in December. Based on these legal proceedings, the Chief Minister may decide to shift to the proposed executive capital in December, coinciding with his birthday on December 21.