An Indian mother named Anju travelled legally to Pakistan for a sightseeing trip with her Facebook friend. They visited the Upper Dir district in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa under tight security. Anju, 34, is staying at her Pakistani friend Nasrullah’s home. They became friends on Facebook in 2019 and their friendship turned into a love affair. However, Nasrullah denies this and says that Anju will return to India when her visa expires and they have no plans to get married. They went on a sightseeing trip to the Lawari tunnel on Monday, where they were seen holding hands in pictures taken at the tourist spots.
Anju, who is married to Arvind and has two children, shared a video saying that she feels safe in Pakistan and came here legally. She requests the media not to harass her relatives and children. Anju travelled to Pakistan legally from India through the Wagah-Attari border. The Ministry of Interior granted her a 30-day visa for Upper Dir only. Nasrullah, a science graduate, has given an affidavit stating that their friendship is not based on love and Anju will return to India on August 20. The travel documents of Anju have been found to be in order and she has been allowed to stay with Nasrullah under his care.
Anju’s husband, Arvind, hopes that she will return home. This incident is similar to Seema Ghulam Haider’s case, where a Pakistani mother of four went to live with a Hindu man in India whom she met while playing PUBG.