The amount of loans taken out by banks and not repaid fell to a 10-year low. This means that the banks are in good financial condition and have enough money to meet their obligations even in difficult situations. The percentage of non-repaid loans has also come down. However, some other financial institutions borrowed a lot of money and this caused problems for the entire economy. Shaktikant Das, the person in charge of the bank in India, said that the world economy and the Indian economy have changed since the last report. The United States and the rest of the world have been hit hard by the banking crisis in Europe. But in India, banks are doing well and are strong, with steady growth, less debt problems and enough cash to keep going. Some worry that problems in other countries will affect India as well, but the bank is trying to ensure that does not happen. The Financial Stability Report is a book that comes out twice a year and is compiled by a group of people who make sure that all money matters are safe and secure. It was released on wednesday. Report states that From a high of 11.5% and 6.1% in March of 2018 to 3.9% and 1.0% in the month of March 2023, respectively, the gross and net NPA ratios have declined.
Indian banks gross bad loans declined
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