An independent candidate from the Nizamabad Urban constituency in the Telangana Assembly polls has died by suicide due to an online sextortion attempt. The cyber fraudsters threatened to upload a video of the candidate along with his nomination paper on social media unless he paid them Rs 10 lakh. The fraudsters had recorded a video call the candidate had with a woman. The candidate’s family found him hanging from the ceiling fan at his house in Nizamabad town. It all started when he received a message from an unknown number with a woman’s profile picture. He then had a conversation and video call with the woman. Later, he received a call demanding money and threatening to release the video and nomination paper if not paid. The candidate refused to pay, but the caller shared some images of the video and nomination paper on social media, causing the candidate distress. A case has been registered, and investigations are ongoing. The election in the constituency will not be postponed.
Independent candidate in Nizamabad Urban takes own life following online ‘sextortion’
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