Doctors in Telangana have reported an increase in cases of conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye. The Sarojini Devi Eye Hospital and LV Prasad Eye Hospital in Hyderabad have seen a surge in patients seeking treatment. The doctors from LV Prasad Hospital have stated that the number of cases is also rising in Andhra Pradesh and Odisha.
Within a month, more than a thousand cases have been registered in these three states. At Sarojini Devi Hospital alone, thirty to forty patients are arriving daily. Eye strain is a common viral infection during the rainy season.
The increase in conjunctivitis cases is attributed to the moist air caused by the rains, which promotes the spread of viruses and fungal infections. Tests have revealed that most of the cases are caused by a specific virus called adeno virus.
While follicular conjunctivitis caused by this virus does not pose a risk to eyesight, it is still important not to neglect the condition. Maintaining cleanliness and hygiene of the eyes is advised during this season, including washing the eyes and face with warm water after being outdoors.
Severe cases of conjunctivitis, known as epidemic keratoconjunctivitis, require vigilance as there may be long-term vision problems. If the eye twitching is extremely painful, it is recommended to consult a doctor for proper treatment.
Symptoms of conjunctivitis include red eyes, itching, sensitivity to light, fever, and a sore throat. It is highly contagious, so caution should be taken within households to prevent further spread. Rubbing the eyes and self-medication should be avoided, and professional medical advice should be sought for proper treatment.