A new food court called Spicy and Delight was opened in Rangareddy, and it was inaugurated by Zilla Parishad Vice Chairman Eeta Ganesh and Kothur Municipal Chairperson Lavanya Devender Yadav. The event celebrated the importance of self-employment and how it can lead to success beyond traditional jobs.
During the opening, the ZP Vice Chairman and Kothur Municipal Chairperson talked about the benefits of being self-employed. They explained that starting your own business can lead to great achievements and high status. The event was attended by other important people like Municipal Vice Chairman Ravinder, Councilors Kosgi Srinivas, Veeramoni Hema Devender, Janardhan Chari, Prasanna Latha Yadaiah, Chegur Sarpanchi Santoshi Vittal, Bandi Krishna, Ganesh Goud, Ramu Yadav, Bhaskar Yadav, and Sai Yadav.
Overall, the opening of Spicy and Delight Food Court was a big celebration of entrepreneurship and the potential for success that comes with it.