The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has predicted light to moderate rains in various districts for the next four days, starting from Monday. Hyderabad will have partly cloudy skies for the next 48 hours, with a maximum temperature of 43 degrees. Other districts like Nizamabad, Rajanna Sirisilla, Jayashankar-Bhupalpally, and more may experience thunderstorms, lightning, and showers.
In addition to Hyderabad, Medchal-Malkajgiri, Medak, and Nagarkurnool are also likely to receive light rain. Temperatures in Telangana have been high, ranging from 43 to 47 degrees Celsius. Velgatoor recorded the highest temperature at 47.1 degrees Celsius, followed by Godhuru at 46.8 degrees and Allipur at 46.7 degrees Celsius.
Temperatures are expected to decrease by three to four degrees across the State, including in Hyderabad where temperatures may drop below 38 degrees Celsius.