In Gadwal, an awareness program on preventing cyber crimes was held in Aija town under the direction of SP T. Srinivasa Rao IPS. The event, supervised by the District Cyber Crime Bureau, took place on Cyber Jagruti Diwas. Inspector Raju and Aija SI Vijay Bhaskar emphasized the importance of being vigilant to avoid falling victim to cyber crimes facilitated by new technology.
During the program, Inspector Raju stressed the need to act with foresight and caution to prevent financial losses from cyber crimes. He advised against sharing OTP details with anyone over the phone, as legitimate entities like banks or government departments will not ask for this information over a call. He also warned against clicking on links from unknown sources in SMS, emails, WhatsApp, or Twitter.
Inspector Raju specifically cautioned against sharing user IDs for online applications like IPL Dream Eleven during cricket matches, as this could lead to data theft and financial loss. He also highlighted a common scam where scammers impersonate FEDEX couriers and threaten arrest unless a payment is made, urging people to stay vigilant and protect their personal information and finances.
In case of falling victim to cyber crime, Inspector Raju advised reporting it to local police officers immediately. He warned against believing in offers of valuable items at low prices online or falling for lottery scams claiming large sums of money won through online shopping platforms like Miso. He urged victims to report cyber crimes to 1930 or through the NCRP portal ( for immediate action by the concerned police station.