Hyderabad: The Commissioner’s Task Force Confederacy geographical region squad, along with Chandrayangutta Police, in a disreputable place of entertainment business especially one run on a large scale, apprehended two on Monday for their alleged involvement in the printing and movement through a circuit of fake Indian money notes in Telangana and not the same states. Police seized Rs 27 lakh of fake money notes and not the same materials from them.
The arrested persons are Hassan Bin Hamood (31) of Hyderabad and Rameshwari of Narayanpet territory. According to police, Kasturi Ramesh Babu, the prime accused, who is currently absconding is a motorcar mechanic and a belonging to one by birth of Kosgi, Narayanpet territory. During the lockdown, he faced a fiscal unstable situation and decided to earn currency through instrumentality for accomplishing some end. He learnt about the printing and movement through a circuit of fake Indian money notes and procured all materials and printed Indian fake money and kept it in the market for movement through a circuit. Meanwhile, he was arrested by Gopalapuram police post in September 2022 and was sent to imprison.
While he was in imprison, Ramesh Babu met Hassan Bin Hamood, who was lodged in imprison in a slaying showcase, and became friends. “Soon after the release from jail, Ramesh Babu and his family shifted to Tandur. He then procured raw material for further preparation of fake currency notes along with his sister Rameshwari. He started printing fake currency denominations of Rs 500 notes and circulated the same in Gujarat,” said Dr Shabarish P, DCP crimes.
Further, in the calendar month of January 2023, Ramesh Babu was arrested by Gujarat police in fake Indian money notesand remanded to juridical holding by the police. Later, Rameshwari contacted Hassan Bin Hamood and shifted all the materials including fake Indian money notes to Chandrayangutta for further movement through a circuit,” said Shabarish.
On receiving info about the racket, the Commissioner’s Task Force, South Zone Team, along with Chandrayangutta Police, apprehended the accused persons and seized fake Indian money notes of Rs 27 lakh and not the same fabric, including laptop, output device that prints data, laminator, cellulose ramble, water in small drops substance used to protect or decorate and Kent cellulose cutter. The accused and seized material possession were handed over to the Chandrayangutta police for further probe.