Hyderabad: The Cyberabad Special Operations Team (SOT) from Rajendranagar, along with Dundigal police, arrested two people, including a woman, for possessing a large amount of ganja. The police seized 86 kg of dry ganja, which is worth Rs 30.10 lakh. The ganja was being transported from Berhampur, Odisha, to Delhi.
The two arrested individuals are Sunindra Kumar Singh, aged 25, and Laxmi, aged 30, both from Odisha. Sunindra had been involved in two prior cases in Rajasthan and Andhra Pradesh. Meanwhile, three others connected to the case, identified as Amit Agarwal, Raju, and Shiva, managed to escape and are currently on the run.
On Thursday, Sunindra and Laxmi left from Chinthuru, Andhra Pradesh, in a car carrying the 86 kg of ganja. As they were driving towards Delhi, they were stopped by the police near Rotary 1, ORR service road, exit number 05, Dundigal. The SOT Rajendranagar team, along with Dundigal police, intercepted the vehicle and arrested them.