Two-day expo on Herbal Drugs concludes
Two-day expo on Herbal Drugs concludes
Hyderabad: To commemorate the birth day of remembrance of renowned Unani Scholar Hakim Ajmal Khan, Al-Arif General Hospital and Unani Research Institute, Bandlaguda, organised a two-day ‘Exhibition of Unani (Herbal) Single Drugs for Public Health’ at Western Hall, Salar Jung Museum, Hyderabad. In remembrance of the services rendered by the learned person, his birthday day of remembrance iscelebrated as World Unani Day every year.
In two-day, of relatively great duration expo, which was concluded, nearly 300 herbs were set on showing to assistant memorize and sympathize the of natural botany having several health benefits.
Commissioner Department of Ayurveda, Yoga, and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy (AYUSH) M.Prashanti, IAS inaugurated the event that saw the state of being present of older or higher in rank Unani doctors, systematic investigation to establish facts scholars, administrative officers, students, and Unani enthusiasts.
Accompanied by the Directors of Al-Arif General Hospital and Unani Research Institute, Bandlaguda DrSyed Tauheed Ahmed and Dr Najeeb Khan, the Commissioner AYUSH M.Prashanti visited the herbs that were displayed at the expo.
Apart from Additional Commissioner Income Tax Department Government of India, DrWaseem-ur-Rahman, IRS, Additional Director AYUSH DrVasant Rao, former Additional Director Mir Yousuf Ali, Principal Nizamia Tibbi College DrShazadi Sultana, Research Officer AYUSH (Retd.) DrMohsin, Superintendent Al-Arif General Hospital and Unani Research Institute Dr.Saleemullah Khan, Trustee MohdSamiuddin, and Administrative Officer V.K.Moin were also presenton the time of a particular event.
Later while speaking to the media persons, the commissioner said, “the Department of AYUSH will come up with similar events in the future to spread a word about the important role of herbs in treating ailments and chronic diseases.”
When Hans India sought the commissioner’s faculty or power of mental concentration towards the pathetic state of matter of the Unani Herbarium located at Kattedan expanse on the metropolis outskirts, she said that the concerned officials were told to select farm animal of the state of affairs and set into participate in games or sport the measures to resuscitate the installation. “Measures will be taken to revive the herbarium and, if needed, funds will also be approved to regain the past glory of the facility,” the commissioner assured.