Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde is set to address a large public meeting in Hyderabad. The Shiv Sena Shinde Group has decided to field candidates in all 119 Assembly constituencies. The party’s slogan for this election is ‘Garv Se kaho hum Hindu Hai’. The Shiv Sena Telangana President, S Shivaji, announced that they will be contesting in all the Assembly segments and aim to confine the Owaisi brothers to their house. The party’s top leaders, Ministers, MP, MLA, and MLC will be present during the election campaign. They are determined to give a strong fight to the AIMIM party of the Owaisi brothers. Shivaji also accused KCR of cheating the people of Telangana. He called upon the people to come forward and teach KCR a lesson for betraying the unemployed youth. The meeting was attended by several party members including Hyderabad Parliament Convenor Suryavanshi Ramesh, Balapur Ahmed, Rahul, Gopal Raj, Satish, Akhil, and others.
Hyderabad to host public meeting addressed by Eknath Shinde
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