A tragic incident took place on November 13 in Atlanta, Georgia, where a young student from Hyderabad, Aryan Reddy, lost his life in a gun misfiring accident. Aryan, who was just 23 years old, was celebrating his birthday with friends when the unfortunate event occurred. He was a second-year MS student at Kansas State University.
Reports say that Aryan had recently purchased a hunting gun and decided to clean it on the day of his birthday. While handling the weapon, it accidentally discharged, and the bullet struck him in the chest. The injury proved to be fatal.
Hearing the gunshot, Aryan’s friends rushed to his room and found him lying in a pool of blood. They immediately took him to a nearby hospital, but sadly, doctors declared him dead upon arrival.
Aryan’s family is originally from Bhuvanagiri but now resides in Dharmapuri Colony, Uppal. His body is expected to be brought back to Hyderabad on Friday for the final rites. This heartbreaking incident has left his family and friends in deep shock and mourning.