The Hyderabad city police are closely monitoring the Ganesh pandals during the ongoing Ganesh festivities to maintain peace and ensure law and order. Special teams have been formed to prevent any troublemakers from causing any disruptions, especially in communally sensitive areas. Additional forces have been deployed in these areas to maintain a high level of vigilance.
The Police Commissioner, C V Anand, has directed the formation of these special teams to quickly address any potential issues that may arise. Initially, these teams will be operating in the South and East zones of the city. Commissioner Anand personally reviewed the situation and visited sensitive areas in the Old City.
Each police station has formed special teams consisting of two constables. These teams are responsible for regularly checking the Ganesh pandals, gathering information, and ensuring safety measures are in place, particularly between 1 am and 6 am. The police officers are also monitoring the Ganesh immersion process around the Tank Bund area during the early hours.
Commissioner Anand has emphasized the importance of proper planning for the Ganesh immersions, which will take place until September 28. He has instructed his team to measure the heights and clearances under flyovers, determine the flow of idols of different sizes, and identify the locations of cranes and other necessary equipment. He has urged everyone to cooperate with these efforts.
The police have been directed to be watchful during the festivals to prevent any disturbances and maintain peace in the city. They are concerned that some mischievous individuals may try to exploit the large gatherings to instigate trouble. As a confidence-building measure, the police, along with the Rapid Action Force (RAF), are conducting area marches in the Old City to familiarize themselves with the area and respond quickly in case of emergencies.
The police have also provided a list of safety measures for event organizers and devotees to follow during the Ganesh immersion. These measures include starting the immersion early to avoid congestion, limiting the number of idols carried in each vehicle, and avoiding the use of DJs on vehicles. The procession should not obstruct traffic flow, and no one should be under the influence of alcohol or drugs. The use of colors like ‘kumkum’ or ‘gulal’ should also be avoided.
Furthermore, carrying weapons, inflammable materials, and engaging in provocative speeches or slogans that can hurt any section of the public are strictly prohibited. Volunteers and organizers are encouraged to promptly report any incidents during the immersion process to the police. Any rumors circulating on social media should also be reported to the police.
In summary, the city police in Hyderabad are taking strict measures to ensure the smooth conduct of the Ganesh festivities. Special teams have been formed, additional forces deployed, and safety measures provided to maintain peace, tranquility, and law and order during this period.