The Hyderabad city police, represented by City Police Commissioner CV Anand, hosted the Dawat-e-Iftar at Chowmahalla Palace in Khilwath near Charminar. The event was attended by a diverse group of government officials, civil society leaders and religious figures, including Home Minister Mohammed Mahmood Ali, DGP Anjani Kumar and Hyderabad MP Asaduddin Owaisi. The annual interfaith Dawat-e-Iftar is a tradition that marks the holy month of Ramzan, and is an opportunity for people to come together and give to the poor. Before the call to prayer marking the end of the Ramzan fast, Commissioner Anand spoke about the importance of the holy month and the need for generosity, reverence and spiritual introspection. He also commended the support and cooperation of the community to city police in ensuring bandobast measures were in place at Mosques and shopping areas during Ramzan. Over 2000 people from diverse faiths and backgrounds were part of the iftar reception, including senior bureaucrats, politicians and city police officers.
Hyderabad Police Hosts Dawat-e-Iftar at Chowmahalla Palace
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