A distressing incident occurred in Jawaharnagar, Hyderabad, where a five-year-old girl was allegedly raped. The accused, identified as 30-year-old construction worker Paramesh Kumar, is said to have committed the crime in the same neighborhood where the girl lived.
According to the police, Paramesh lured the young girl to his house by promising her food. Once she was inside, he allegedly assaulted her.
After the incident, the accused reportedly threatened the girl, warning her not to tell anyone. He said he would harm her and her family if she spoke about what had happened.
The crime came to light when the girl’s mother noticed a change in her behavior. Concerned, she questioned her daughter, who then confided in her about the abuse.
Following the revelation, the mother filed a complaint with the Jawaharnagar police. Authorities have taken the suspect into custody, but he has not yet been officially arrested. The investigation is ongoing.