University of Hyderabad
University of Hyderabad
Hyderabad: The two-Day National Conference on “Unorganized Labour in India: Issues and Challenges” organized by The Centre for the Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy, Institute of Eminence – University of Hyderabad in collaboration with Indian Council for Social Science Research -Southern Regional Centre concluded on Friday.
During this meeting, many eminent professors R.S. Sarraju (Pro-VC), Sudhakar Rao (CSSEIP-Founder), B Rajasekhar (Former Pro-VC), Aseem Prakash, Ajailu Niumai, Sreepathi Ramudu, K Raja Mohan Rao, Nagaraju Gundimeda, have got participated and expressed their views and on the melodic theme “Unorganized Labour in India: Issues and Challenges.” Nearly 20 – eminent scholars participated in the plate or sheet that is a component of something discussion from unlike universities and disciplines.
This meeting highlighted the challenges and issues faced by unorganized working class in Indian society, and simultaneously, many systematic investigation to establish facts scholars and professors have got shown some solutions be fond of eShram to place where a person or organization can be found the challenges faced by unorganized working class in India, said a older or higher in rank police officer.