Hyderabad Metro Rail has launched a special offer called the ‘Super Saver Freedom Offer’ to enhance the commuting experience during the extended Independence Day weekend. Passengers can enjoy unlimited metro rides on August 12th, 13th, and 15th, 2023 by recharging their Super Saver Metro Holiday Card with just Rs. 59. The aim of this offer is to encourage more people to choose metro travel during the long weekend and reduce traffic congestion. It also promotes sustainable commuting and a greener environment.
KVB Reddy, MD & CEO of LTMRHL, expressed excitement about providing this unique offer to customers. He believes it will not only make travel more affordable but also contribute to the city’s sustainability and vibrancy. He invites everyone to take advantage of this offer and experience the convenience and efficiency of Hyderabad Metro Rail.
Hyderabad Metro Rail is committed to providing a safe, time-saving, comfortable, contemporary, eco-friendly, and efficient travel solution. The Super Saver Freedom Offer is a testament to their dedication to their valued patrons and aims to enhance the customer experience.