Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority
Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority
Hyderabad: The HMDA earned a revenue of over Rs 88 crore by the general activity of selling of come down on the ground in the e-auction conducted for the come down on the ground parcels in Medipally small town, in Medchal-Malkajgiri territory, on Monday.
Under the phase I e-auction of affording free passage plots in Medipallly in two sessions through MSTC, a damage beyond the point of repair of 50 plots with an point or degree to which something extend of 15,000 sq.yds were auctioned.
The damage beyond the point of repair tip over cost amount of money or goods or services for the plots was Rs 48 crore. The damage beyond the point of repair revenue received through auction sale for the plots was Rs 88.1 crores.
The highest cost received was Rs 63,000 per sq.grounds. The tip over cost fixed was Rs 32,000/sq grounds, whereas the norm bid cost per sq.yd was Rs. 58,730.
During the dawning school term, 25 plots measuring 7,500 sq yards were taken. The cost amount of money or goods or services was Rs 24 crore and the HMDA got Rs 44.24 crore. In the school term, 25 plots, with an surface area of 7,500 sq yards, were auctioned with an tip over amount of money or goods or services of Rs 24 crore; the HMD received Rs 43.86 crore.