The city police in Hyderabad arrested two gangs involved in theft of mobile phones and chain snatchings. Seven members were arrested and a large amount of stolen property was seized. In the first case, the Osmania University police arrested a couple, Arun Kumar (23) and Anuradha (20), along with Rambabu (20) and a minor boy. They targeted people sleeping on pavements and walking on roads, forcefully taking their mobile phones and cash.
R Giridhar, DCP East Zone, stated that the gang from the first case targeted vulnerable individuals. In the second case, a gang from Malkajgiri was arrested. The members were B Samson (19), Madhu (19), and K Prashanth (21). They stole mobile phones and chains from pedestrians in and around Secunderabad. After stealing the property, the gang sold the mobile phones to individuals named Mohammed Arif, Ilyas Afroz, Shaik Ali, and Raju for Rs 3,000. These individuals then resold the phones for a profit.
All the arrested persons have been remanded by the police for further investigation.