A young man from Hyderabad, Kondapally Ganesh, has made headlines again. He first became famous after winning a pricey laddu auction for Lord Ganesh by bidding Rs 29 lakh. Now, he is back in the news for winning four liquor shops in a lottery held by the government of Andhra Pradesh.
Kondapally Ganesh, who is originally from Khammam, applied for liquor shop licenses through a lottery system in Andhra Pradesh. The lottery results were announced on Monday, and Ganesh won four liquor shops. One of the shops is in Puttaparthi, and the other three are in Nandyal.
Ganesh, a businessman, had recently grabbed attention during a laddu auction held in Gachibowli at My Home Bhooja, a gated community. He successfully bid Rs 29 lakh for the laddu, which was Rs 4 lakh higher than the previous winning bid.
In the liquor shop lottery, there were close to 90,000 applications for 3,396 shops. Each person who applied had to pay a non-refundable fee of Rs 2 lakh to participate in the lucky draw.