The Telangana government is preparing for a big celebration of Independence Day. Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao will raise the national flag at Golconda Fort. The police are making sure there is tight security for the event. They have been practicing for the celebrations for the past few days.
On Friday, the police continued their rehearsals under the supervision of Additional DGP Swathi Lakra. About 400 policemen took part in the rehearsals. They thoroughly inspected a five-kilometer stretch around Golconda Fort. Various security teams conducted drills for two weeks.
Chief Secretary Shanti Kumari held a meeting to review the arrangements for Independence Day. She gave suggestions to the authorities on how to improve the arrangements.
CM KCR will raise the national flag at 10 am at Golconda Fort. Before that, he will pay tribute to the freedom fighters at the Martyrs’ Memorial at the Secunderabad Parade Ground.