Raghavendra Rathore Jodhpur brand has unveiled its highly anticipated “Festive Regalia” Autumn Winter 2023 Collection. The collection will be showcased at the Hyderabad brand store from October 13th to 15th, 2023.
This event represents both old-world luxury and modern flair. The collection beautifully combines India’s rich heritage with modern aesthetics. It features handcrafted textiles, classic silhouettes, unique textures, delicate embroidery, and a balanced color palette. The garments, accessories, and footwear are all handcrafted in Italy, blending the old world look with modernity.
The iconic bandhgala jacket is a central piece in the collection. It pays homage to the brand’s legacy while incorporating modern fashion elements. Every detail, from the stitching to the buttons, reflects the brand’s grand heritage.
Don’t miss this opportunity to experience the collection, which seamlessly blends tradition and innovation. Each piece is a unique expression of heritage and artistic creativity.