BJP vice president D.K Aruna has filed a petition in the High Court claiming that Bandla Krishna Mohan Reddy, the BRS MLA, provided false information in his election affidavit. After reviewing the evidence, the High Court has disqualified Bandla Krishna Mohan as Gadwal MLA and declared D.K Aruna as the MLA.
However, D.K Aruna’s victory has been delayed as both the Speaker of the Assembly and Legislative Secretary are unavailable to meet her. She visited the State Assembly to hand over the order copy of the HC and request for an oath-taking ceremony, but both officials were not present.
Accompanied by BJP MLA Raghunandan Rao, D.K Aruna expressed her disappointment and suspicion that there may be pressure on the secretary from the State government. She demanded immediate implementation of the High Court’s order and urged the assembly speaker to hold a swearing-in ceremony recognizing her as Gadwal MLA.
Bandla Krishna Mohan Reddy, who has been disqualified, stated that he has done nothing wrong and will approach the Supreme Court. He expressed confidence that the people of Gadwal will choose him again as their representative and hopes for justice in the Supreme Court.