BJP vice president D.K Aruna filed a petition in the High Court claiming that BRS MLA Bandla Krishna Mohan Reddy provided false information in his election affidavit. The High Court reviewed the affidavit and disqualified Bandla Krishna Mohan as Gadwal MLA, declaring D.K Aruna as the MLA.
However, D.K Aruna faced obstacles in her victory as both the Speaker of the Assembly and Legislative Secretary were unavailable to meet her. She visited the State Assembly with BJP MLA Raghunandan Rao to hand over the order copy of the HC and request for the oath-taking ceremony. Unfortunately, neither the Speaker nor the Legislature Secretary were present.
D.K Aruna expressed disappointment and suspected pressure from the State government on the secretary. She demanded the state government to implement the High Court order and urged the assembly speaker to hold a swearing-in ceremony recognizing her as Gadwal MLA.
On the other hand, disqualified BRS MLA Bandla Krishna Mohan Reddy maintained his innocence and stated that he would approach the Supreme Court regarding the HC verdict. He expressed confidence that the people of Gadwal would choose him as their representative again with a majority of over 50,000 votes. He trusted the judiciary and believed he would receive justice in the Supreme Court.