During an Indian Premier League match between Sunrisers Hyderabad and Lucknow Super Giants, chaos broke out at the Rajiv Gandhi Stadium in Hyderabad. The home crowd hurled an unidentified ‘foreign object’ towards the LSG dugout after a no-ball call went against their team. The incident took place during the 4th ball of the 19th over when Avesh Khan, the LSG bowler delivered a high full-toss beamer right at Hyderabad batter Abdul Samad in the 3rd ball of the over, and the umpire straight away gave a no-ball call. Lucknow went for the review, and it was judged as a fair-delivery.
This decision caused the home crowd to become enraged, and someone threw something at the LSG dug-out. The umpires, players, and coaching staff intervened to sort out the situation. During this moment, the Hyderabad faithful also chanted “Kohli, Kohli,” which is aimed towards LSG mentor Gautam Gambhir. The object hasn’t been identified as of now, and Simon Doull on air said that the home crowd didn’t do their team any favours with the distraction.
Sunrisers Hyderabad finished on 182/6, thanks to Heinrich Klassen and Abdul Samad’s valiant knock.