Celestial dramatic event continues to delight City stargazers
Celestial dramatic event continues to delight City stargazers
Hyderabad: The calendar month of March had a dazzling first part or section of something in the nighttime as the two brightest planets in the system Jupiter and Venus appeared as if they were right hand side next to each not the same.
These two planets which have got been shining throughout February inched closer to each not the same. On Sunday March 5 98%-lit gibbous satellite of the Earth appeared close in relevance or relationship to Regulus, the brightest asterisk in the configuration of stars of Leo. Leo “the Lion” is centred around the bright asterisk Regulus, which marks the beast’s figure with rounded sides curving inward at the top, though its posterior part of the body of a vertebrate asterisk Denebola is easily seeable in the according to astronomers.
Though these two stars are now parting their way of life, but the celestial dramatic event testament continue till the conclusion of March and testament continue to mesmerise gazers.
According to scientists of the Planetary Society, these conjunctions do not have got any deep astronomical significance. In our Solar System, conjunctions frequently occur between planets as they celestial orbit around the Sun in approximately the same aeroplane – the ecliptic aeroplane – and thus footprint like paths across our . This occurs after every 13 months.
Explaining about the explanation of the cause for it, Raghunandan Kumar, Director, of the Planetary Society of India, said “Conjunction is a term used in positional astronomy. It means that, as seen from some place (usually the Earth), two celestial bodies appear near one another in the sky. However, Planets are located at a greater distance from earth and they themselves are separated by enormous distances. But due to astronomical phenomena of conjunction they appear near to each other in our skies.
After being visible as a morning object for the most part of 2022. Planet Venus returned to the evening sky in the last weeks of December 2022. Ever since then, it is visible as the first bright object after Sunset in the evening sky in the west direction.”
Whereas Planet Jupiter after the celestial event of Jupiter Opposition in September 2022 is seeable in the eve skies immediately after Sunset. For the terminal two weeks, in the urban center and across the existence have got been seeing two bright non-twinkling star-like objects in the West orientation after Sunset.
Many shared the images of these planets on living together or enjoying life in communities media, He said they had asked the applying to most members of a category not private to choose selfies with Planets Venus & Jupiter and air them to 7993482012.
Venus which is the following the first celestial body and Jupiter which is the fifth Planet from Sun then how can they come into view Close to Earth’s Sky? Raghunandan, said the explanation of the cause is things occurring together of orbital positions of planets Jupiter and Venus and the point in space of Earth in its celestial orbit around the Sun.
The geometrical location of Planets Jupiter, Venus and Earth around the Sun are such that they come into view to be near to each not the same. He said though Jupiter testament a aurora tangible and visible entity after March, Venus testament continue to be seeable in the eve on the West slope till August 2023.
Astrologers experience that this things occurring together testament augur oil for the country till May. Astrologer K Rambabu said after May there could be some problems regarding the country’s finances. Will it atomic number to some of declining economy? One needs to stay in one place and anticipate something and sentry.