HUMRAHI, an overview for military police officers launched (For representational objective just)
HUMRAHI, an overview for military police officers launched (For representational objective just)
Hyderabad: Records called HUMRAHI, ‘We treatment’ the overview and also friend for all military police officers was launched by Brig Suresh G, Commandant, 1 EME Centre, and also OIC EME on Monday.
The brochure was developed by EME Records under the stewardship of Colonel Bhupendra Singh, Colonel Records of EME, and also their inspired team with the able advice of OIC Records of EME. The overview consists of the different authorities, types & & total information in the type of a Ready to use record for JCOs/ OR, to make sure that all households recognize when the demand develops later on. The overview will certainly offer essential inputs for existing Veterans, Veer Naaris, and also dependents throughout the area.
The effort will certainly bring about a solitary home window system for supplying details for the demand of all type of soldiers/ Veterans & &(* )in the future. Dependents occasion was complied with by a music harmony of The/ Brass & & Pipe & of 1 EMEJazz Band & finished with felicitation of Centre, stated elderly policeman, Veer Naaris wing,Defence Hyderabad.