In Hyderabad, a group of girls in burqas were shopping at the ‘Dawat-e-Ramzan’ expo in the early hours of the morning. They were picking out dresses for Eid-ul-Fitr, with one girl even asking for a dress like her favorite actress wore.
One girl, MariyaKulsum, found a dress similar to the one worn by Pakistani actress Ayeza Khan. She and her cousins decided to buy dresses for Eid from the expo because they found trendy Pakistani suits that are hard to find elsewhere.
These shopping expos in Hyderabad are very popular among shoppers, especially girls and women. They offer a wide range of items like clothing, crockery, perfumes, henna, bangles, footwear, and jewelry all in one place.
During the last days of Ramzan, Hyderabad is bustling with activity. People are shopping non-stop after breaking their fast and offering special prayers. Markets like Charminar and Pathergatti are filled with shoppers looking for trendy attire and delicious food.
Hyderabad has been hosting various expos during the holy season, providing a platform for startups and traders to showcase their goods. The Rainbow Shopping Festival and ‘Dawat-e-Ramzan’ expo are big hits among shoppers, offering a unique shopping experience with a wide range of products.
Entrepreneurs like Anam Mirza are hosting fashion exhibitions during Ramzan, showcasing the essence of the month with good food and family time. Other events like Jalsa Bazar and Ramzan Carnival offer traditional handicrafts, designer collections, and more for shoppers to enjoy.