The Mylardevpally police station building was inaugurated in the Rajendranagar constituency of Rangareddy district, highlighting Telangana’s dedication to maintaining peace and security. Prominent officials like DGP Anjani Kumar, Cyberabad Police Commissioner Stephen Ravindra, and State Home Minister Muhammad Ali attended the ceremony.
Minister Muhammad Ali emphasized the Telangana police force’s unwavering commitment to public safety and warned that those who disturb peace will face legal consequences. He praised Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao’s leadership in fortifying the police system and modernizing law enforcement practices. The construction of modern police station buildings with state-of-the-art facilities and the establishment of command control centers were highlighted as significant achievements.
Minister Ali also acknowledged the collaboration with the Telangana State Industrial Infrastructure Corporation to create a police force that is approachable and dedicated to peace and security. The role of a stable law and order environment in attracting investments and creating jobs was emphasized.
Minister Ali reiterated the government’s commitment to the growth and efficiency of the police department. He highlighted notable strides in curbing IT and cyber crimes and promoting women’s representation within the force. The effective crime control strategies, including the deployment of CCTV cameras throughout the state, were also acknowledged.
Several officials and dignitaries were present at the inauguration ceremony, including Mailardevpally Corporator Srinivas Reddy, Telangana Additional CP Admin Avinash Mahanthi, DCP Rajendranagar Jagadishwar Reddy, DCP Traffic Harshavardhan, DCP Cyber Crime Ritiraj, Women & Child Safety DCP Nithika Pant, ADCP Rajendranagar Rashmi Perumal, Rajendranagar ACP Gangadhar, Mylardevpally Inspector Madhu, Chevella MP Dr Ranjith Reddy, Rajendranagar MLA T Prakash Goud, and MLC Rahmat Baig.