An Indian-American engineer named Hirsh Vardhan Singh has announced his bid for the White House. He is the third person of Indian descent to join the crowded Republican field of candidates running for US President in 2024. Singh, 38, posted a video message on Twitter stating that he is a lifelong Republican and an America First conservative. He has worked to restore the conservative wing of the New Jersey Republican Party. Singh believes strong leadership is needed to reverse recent changes and restore American values. He officially filed his candidacy with the Federal Election Commission on Thursday. Nikki Haley, former Governor of South Carolina, and Vivek Ramaswamy, a millionaire entrepreneur, are also Indian-Americans seeking the Republican nomination for the 2024 US presidential election. Singh joins a crowded field of a dozen contenders, including former President Trump.
Hirsh Vardhan, of Indian heritage, declares candidacy for US President in 2024
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