Telangana Chief Minister KCR’s grandson Himanshu has transformed a government school in Hyderabad with an investment of Rs 1 crore. The government primary school in Gachibowli Keshavnagar has now become a corporate school thanks to his efforts. Education Minister Sabitha Indra Reddy will inaugurate this school on Wednesday, coinciding with Himanshu’s birthday.
Himanshu shared photos on Twitter, showcasing the school’s previous condition and its new look. His post quickly gained popularity, with netizens praising both Himanshu and the Chief Minister for their initiative.
Himanshu, who attends a private school in Khajaguda, is also the president of Creative Action Service (CAS). On behalf of CAS, he adopted the Keshavnagar Primary School, which is located near his own school. The funds collected by CAS were used to improve the facilities of the school. This included providing benches, constructing toilets, a lunchroom, and a playground. School Principal Ramulu Yadav shared these details with the media.