The Andhra Pradesh High Court is currently deciding on whether to grant bail to former Chief Minister Nara Chandrababu Naidu in a skill development scam case. The court is expected to make an announcement on Tuesday regarding the interim bail.
During the hearing, Chandrababu Naidu’s lawyer, Sidharth Luthra, argued for a 15-day interim bail. He requested the court to take into consideration Naidu’s age and health issues, such as skin and eye ailments.
The Chief Justice, Dhiraj Singh Thakur, was originally supposed to preside over the bail petition and other related petitions. However, due to four new justices joining the court, the Chief Justice decided to change the roster.
Justice Srinivasa Reddy was previously handling quash petitions, while Justice Suresh Reddy dealt with bail petitions. Justice Nunepally Harinath will now handle a single bench for ACB and CBI cases filed until 2014. Other justices will hear division bench cases.
In the meantime, the APCID has filed a memo at the ACB special court, accusing Chandrababu Naidu of illegally granting permits to liquor companies under the Prevention of Corruption Act.