The Telangana High Court has directed the State Election Commission to hold an election for the president of Maheshwaram Mandal Praja Parishath in Ranga Reddy District. However, the court has also instructed the commission not to declare any results at this time. Notices have been issued to various officials, asking them to respond within two weeks.
This decision came after a writ petition was filed by Rathlavath Sunita, the vice-president of the MPP, who was upset that elections were being held for the president’s post without first filling other vacant positions. The court was informed that the SEC should have filled these vacancies before conducting the election for president. The government’s decision to omit a rule mandating elections for the MPP president’s post was also questioned by the petitioner’s counsel.
The bench has adjourned the hearing in this case for two weeks to allow for more information and arguments to be presented.
In other news, the State government has appointed 11 government pleaders and 44 assistant government pleaders to represent it in front of the Telangana High Court. These appointed advocates will serve as legal representatives for the government in various matters.