The Telangana High Court, led by Chief Justice Alok Aradhe and Justice Jukanti Anil Kumar, emphasized that the State government must follow the expert committee’s recommendations to protect Durgam Cheruvu, a significant lake in Hyderabad, from pollution and illegal construction. The court questioned the government’s progress in removing illegal structures within the lake and buffer zone, as well as addressing sewage issues from nearby areas.
Reviewing a status report presented by the Advocate-General on the government’s actions, the Chief Justice expressed dissatisfaction with the lack of specific timelines for implementing the suggested measures. The court urged the government to focus on implementing short-term solutions to protect the lake rather than seeking opinions from various departments.
If the government fails to act promptly, the court warned that they may direct the committee to revisit Durgam Cheruvu and provide a new report on the government’s actions. A committee had previously reported on pollution and illegal construction affecting the lake, prompting the court’s intervention through a PIL based on a news article.
In a separate matter, the court issued notices to state and central education officials regarding the implementation of Samagra Shiksha Vocationalisation of School Education (VSE) in Telangana. The petitioner raised concerns about delays and casual implementation of VSE guidelines, leading to the court’s decision to seek explanations from relevant authorities within four weeks. The case was adjourned for further proceedings.