Two students named Amer and Srikanth from Telangana Minority Residential Educational Institutions Society (TGMREIS) Junior College have received financial help from the Helping Hand Foundation (HHF) in collaboration with SEED-USA. Both students, who come from remote villages in Jukkal and Amangal, were struggling to afford the fees for admission into Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) even though they had passed the IIT Advanced exams.
Amer and Srikanth’s fathers are small-time agricultural laborers, and their economic situations made it difficult for them to pay the required fees for IIT Vizag and IIT Kanpur respectively, where they will be studying petrochemicals and mechanical engineering. HHF has announced that they will cover the total fees for the academic year, amounting to Rs 4.5 lakh. Additionally, SEED-USA will be offering scholarships worth Rs 85 lakh to more students from TGMREIS.
The partnership between HHF and SEED-USA is helping students like Amer and Srikanth pursue their dreams of higher education despite financial challenges. This support is crucial for students from underprivileged backgrounds to access opportunities at prestigious institutions like IIT.