On Monday, students from the Sumathi Reddy Institute of Technology for Women in Hanumakonda took part in a bike rally. The rally aimed to highlight the importance of wearing helmets when riding a motorbike. The students rode from Ambedkar Junction to Erragattugutta.
During the rally, ACP Kiran spoke about the benefits of wearing a helmet. He said that helmets can reduce the risk of fatal accidents and even give people a second chance at life. The traffic wing has been working to reduce the number of road accidents that result in loss of life.
A Varada Reddy, the chairman of SR Educational Society, also stressed the importance of helmets. He said that they are life-saving devices and that motorists must wear them to protect their families. Principal Dr I Rajasri Reddy added that helmets can reduce the risk of head and brain injuries.
ACP Madhusudan praised the college administration for organising the rally to raise awareness about helmet safety. Other attendees included Dr Mahender, Dr Sudarshan, Dr Srivani, and Venugopala Swamy.
Overall, the rally was an important reminder of the importance of helmet safety when riding a motorbike.