It has been raining a lot in Telugu states for the past two days. The Meteorological Department has issued a rain forecast for Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. There is a low pressure in the North Bay of Bengal that is causing moderate to heavy rains for two days. The Indian Meteorological Department announced that this low pressure is expected to intensify. The monsoon trough is also getting stronger, creating favorable conditions for rain. It is already raining in the coastal districts of Andhra Pradesh. The forecast predicts rain in both Telugu states until September 17.
The forecast includes light and heavy rains in the coastal areas. The Indian Meteorological Department stated that moderate rain is likely in many places. The Bay of Bengal has favorable conditions for rain in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. Due to the low pressure, the coastal districts are experiencing heavy rains along with light showers. The low pressure will become stronger in the next 24 hours. In response, the Indian Meteorological Department has issued a yellow alert for the coastal districts.
There will be heavy rains in many places in the North Coast and South Coast districts. Thunderstorms are also possible in some areas. Gusty winds of 30 to 40 km per hour are blowing along the coast, so anglers should be cautious. The Meteorological Department revealed that Telangana will also experience rain due to the low pressure in the Bay of Bengal. All districts, including Hyderabad, are expected to receive rain. Moderate to heavy rains are likely in Hyderabad for two more days. The sky is already cloudy in many places.