The heavy rainfall in Hyderabad on Tuesday evening provided relief from the hot weather, but some areas experienced power outages. Most of the city had power back within a few hours, but a few places still had issues the next morning.
Raju from Jeedimetla shared that their power went out at 9:30 pm on Tuesday and was only restored at 11 am on Wednesday. This caused difficulties in pumping out excess water from their house, leading to a sleepless night.
S Teja from Kukatpally mentioned that after 8 hours, power was restored only after complaints to TSSPDCL officials, who then repaired the transformer in their area.
P Seema from Jubilee Hills expressed that while the rain brought relief, it also worsened problems due to power cuts. They faced a similar situation with a short circuit in their transformer, but after multiple complaints, power was restored on Wednesday afternoon.