Heavy rains and strong winds hit Hyderabad on Sunday, causing issues for residents near Ujjaini Mahankali Temple in Secunderabad and Golconda Fort during the Bonalu festivities. Motorists had trouble navigating flooded streets and some manholes added to the inconvenience. Traffic jams were also reported at certain junctions in the city.
Areas like Maredpally, Khairtabad, Musheerabad, Shaikpet, Serilingampally, and Uppal received high levels of rainfall. Residents in Patancheru, Kukatpally, Quthbullapur, Balanagar, Alwal, Jeedimetla, and other areas shared videos of heavy rain on social media. The Bonalu celebrations were affected in areas like Tolichowki, Golconda, and Shaikpet due to the rainfall.
GHMC Mayor Gadwal Vijayalakshmi held a meeting with zonal commissioners and the EVDM team to ensure public safety. The water levels in Hussain Sagar were nearing their maximum capacity. The IMD issued an orange alert for heavy rainfall in Telangana on July 14 and 15, with a yellow alert for Monday.
The IMD forecasts a generally cloudy day with light to moderate rains and gusty winds on Monday. Citizens are advised to stay informed and take precautions. GHMC’s DRF teams are working to clear water stagnation and fallen trees. For assistance with rain-related issues, citizens can call 040-21111111 or 9000113667.