In Nagarkurnool, a woman threw her four kids into a canal, causing their deaths. The woman, Lalitha, and her husband, Saramanda, had four children named Mahalakshmi (7), Satvika (5), Manjula (3), and Markandeya (7 months). Lalitha was addicted to drinking toddy and was not taking care of the kids properly. Lalitha and Saramanda used to fight about this issue. One day, Lalitha went to the police station and explained her situation. The police promised to counsel her husband and called him to the station.
However, Lalitha left the police station with the kids before Saramanda arrived. She went to the KLI Canal near Saishobha Rice Mill and threw Markandeya into it. She then did the same cruel act with the other three children. People nearby tried to rescue the kids, but they were unable to save them. The police retrieved three dead bodies but could not find Markandeya’s body. This incident shocked the residents and the police. The police registered a case based on Saramanda’s request.
The bodies were taken to the government hospital, and efforts are being made to find Markandeya’s body.