Hyderabad: The Telangana High Court has postponed the hearing of a petition filed by actor Allu Arjun. The new date for the hearing is set for the 21st of this month. In his petition, Allu Arjun requested the court to cancel the FIRs registered against him. These FIRs are linked to a stampede incident that occurred at Sadhya Theatre.
Earlier, the court had stated that it was too early to consider canceling the FIRs. Instead, it advised the actor’s legal team to apply for bail. While the hearing on the petition has been delayed, the investigation into the stampede is still ongoing. Allu Arjun is facing charges under various sections of the BNS Act in connection with the tragic event.
Currently, the court’s adjournment gives more time for legal proceedings to unfold. Meanwhile, Allu Arjun has already received interim bail as the case moves forward.